

We succeeded in creating characters and a background that all work well together with the space theme. Our animations were noticeable and functioned as intended and not too clunky or out of placed. Our jumping also fit the theme of being in space where gravity varies or is nonexistent.


We had to handle multiple bug fixes on enemies to follow the player character. Our sprites also did not have a lot of movement in between them besides the cowboy. Our platforms also did not have a lot of variety or theme between them.

Lessons learned:

We learned how to create/implement animations using sprites, how to add platforms that do a variety of movements, how to create a central player character that interacts with the environment was well as how to create enemies that follow/attack player character.

Possible future revisions:

In the future we would like to add additional sounds to the game, make the levels more thematic with boosting platforms, meteorite theme platforms, or add a variety of enemies. We would also like to add a start and end menu for the levels.

Get Space Cowboy 2D

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