Game Development and Playtesting

The inspiration for this game was heavily due to the Space Western theme especially from movies such as Star Wars where one of the main characters, Han Solo, is notorious for being quick on his feet as well as being an infamous gunslinger with an attitude. Our vision of translating this character in 2D and combine it with a platforms made us geared towards having the cowboy jump from platform to platform and shoot/avoid aliens. Much of the code was done by me Swanyee whereas the level design was done by Anthony and the background and some code was done by Monique. Emma worked on the sprites which I then configure into an animation. After feedback from our beta, we tried to fix our code so that the jumps aren't out of scale as well as integrate CinemaMachine for our cowboy. We also changed our sprites so that they are less blurry and also added an additional enemy. 


SpaceCowBoy 25 MB
Mar 11, 2022
SpaceCowboyMac 34 MB
Mar 11, 2022

Get Space Cowboy 2D

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